Vac 2024/06/24



  • admin
    • 2 CC days-off
  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • performed statistical analysis of simulation results (Frederico)
    • read paper about StakeSure (Frederico)
    • Discussed statistical analysis of simulation results w/Frederico (Juan)
  • codex:cdx
    • finalized the Litepaper (Frederico)
    • prepared a “Codex in one slide” doc (Frederico, Juan)
    • worked on simulations (Juan)
  • codex:testnet-incentive
    • kicked off the testnet incentives report (Frederico)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • reviewed all docs (Frederico, Juan)
    • Meeting with Swiss legal councel for status (Frederico, Juan)
    • Worked on CowSwap comparison (Juan)


  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k
    • Various (1-10k) 0.27 deployments with full hardware, measurements
      • “Right on the edge” with Prometheus
      • Will be backing up Prometheus and replacing with VictoriaMetrics
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale
    • Repeat multiple simulations for Gabriel(Waku) until found the issue
    • Simulations for version v0.29
  • vac:dst:tooling:vac:visualiser-tool
    • Call and chat with Zoltan. Helped him analyze some waku-simulator results with visualizer.
    • Started cleaning/creating more utilities for Zoltan so he can use it on his own.
    • Deployed VictoriaLogs to replace Loki and finally get logs from each container
    • Prep work for switching to VictoriaMetrics for better telemetry
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:vac:libp2p-version-testing
    • Do simulations, gather data and perform analysis for nimlibp2p
      • Analysis with 50KB and 500KB, 1.2 and 1.3 versions, with mplex and yamux







  • vac:admin
  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
    • Worked on blog post for gossipsub improvements for large messages. Still a WiP, need to add summary and references. (ready for review)
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
  • vac:dr:anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity
    • Continue documenting Anonymized GossipSub Protocol (AGP) specification.
      • Finished PoW section
    • Investigate issues related to wrapping published messages into Sphinx Packet Format


  • virtual-machine-creation:vac:vm-foundations
    • work on list of ZkVMs
      • Sanity check of the entire list of Zkvms.[Moudy]
      • Updated and integrated additional information on Github and Table lists.[Moudy]
      • Added a new table with score for Zkvm implementation.[Moudy]
      • Prepared a document with a list of primitives and privacy requirements needed to implement on top of existing Zkvms.[Moudy + Marvin] + [DR]
      • Provided data on why zkLLVM, Lurk, Novanet, Ola, SnarkOS are not zkVMs. [Rostyslav]
      • Sanity checks Cairo and Piecrust. [Rostyslav]
      • Added missing data on zkVMs. [Rostyslav]
      • Scored SP1, JOLT, Nexus, RISC0, Valida, O1VM. [Rostyslav]
      • Provided information why SP1, zkMIPS, Miden, and Aleo(SnarkVM) are zkVM and why zkOS, Powdr are not. [Ugur][ACZ]
      • Provide why (or why not zkVM) zkVM for Valida, Nexus, Jolt, Ceno and RISC0. [Marvin][DR]
  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
    • Worked on defining and answering several questions about Nesceince. [Moudy]
    • Reviewed part of the prototype. [Moudy]
    • Started to answering some questions related to blogpost for state separation. [Ugur][ACZ]