Vac 2024/07/08



  • admin
    • 2 + 5 + 1 CC days off
  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • ran simulations and analyze results related to the wealth concentration (Frederico)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • analysed the SNT token utility (Frederico)
    • started rewriting the GMX/veSNT model with the newest constraints (Frederico)
    • continued research on cow swap, finally cor enough data and context to tell a story (Juan)
    • Met with Agata to discuss legal aspect of swap aggregator; need to discuss paraswap with broader team (Juan)
    • light catch up on catsfishing (Juan)


  • admin/misc
    • 2 + 4 CC days off
    • catch up last week conversations
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale
    • Started discv5 analysis and simulations
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:vac:libp2p-version-testing
    • Run and test nimlibp2p v1.4.0
  • vac:dst:tooling:vac:visualizer-tool
    • New “DST Visualiser”/NodeJS Visualiser tool for realtime visualisation
      • used for Waku marketing


  • waku:interop-testing-02
    • retested bug fixes and removed xfailed tests for fixed bugs(@Florin)
    • fix connection error message(@Florin)
    • add peer store capacity to go-waku start flags(@Florin)
    • chore: refactor setup relay node for sharding(@Roman) PR 48 - merged
    • Test/peer exchange(@Roman) PR 51 - in progress
  • waku:test-automation-status-go-cli
    • discussions on the community actions PR regarding how to make the tests create less data(@Florin)
  • vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p
    • start creating test plan for YAMUX(@Florin)
  • waku:test-automation-rln
    • Run simulations(@Alex)
    • Debugged a missmatch between expected sent messages vs actual received messages(@Alex)
      • Root cause: Injection script (Simulation tool). Explains a lot of issues I had.
      • Issue: Reported by Tanya a couple days prior without me knowing
  • admin/misc
    • OOO 1 + 1 CC Day






  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
  • gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-simulation
  • vac:dr:anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity
    • Continued work on Anonymized GossipSub Transport Protocol (AGP) specification. Specifically, mixnode setup section, finished peer ID and key generation, key management, key rotation and libp2p host configuration for a dedicated mix context, and completed outline for the mixnet protocol.
    • Worked on a peer discovery mechanism using Discv5.
      • Examined Sphinx packet construction and a Golang implementation.
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
    • Work on the document of Execution Types as part of our Q2 Milestones:
    • Work on the document of Cryptographic Infrastructure and Nullification Strategy as part of our Q2 Milestones:
      • Reviewed and added some specific topics [Moudy]
    • Worked on the missing components and started prioritizing some of them [Moudy]
    • Prepare document comparing Nescience to other privacy zkVMs [Marvin] [DR]
    • Reviewed and provided feedback on Execution Types document [Marvin] [DR]
    • Extracting the missing components for State-separation and add them into a notion page [Ugur] [ACZ]
    • Discussed with Moudy and choose the two bullets from the missing components list namely, key management & addresses and Nullifiers [Ugur] [ACZ]
  • zkvm:vac:vm-foundations
    • Work on the lits of ZkVMs:
      • Went through materials on ring signatures provided by Marvin and through CCS repos [Rostyslav]
      • Started going through MPC materials prepared by Marvin [Rostyslav]
      • Staring going through materials on ring signatures provided by Marvin [Rostyslav]
      • Provided Rostyslav some additional information on MPCs [Marvin][DR]
      • Reviewed SP1, Nexus, Risc0 and zkMIPS for scoring [Oleksandr]
    • Reviewed the list of comparison between existing ZkVMs and Nescience and added some specific details [Moudy]
    • Discussed with Rostyslav and Oleksandr about how to proceed for implementing primitives and what to focus on for scoring [Moudy]