Vac 2024/07/15


Last week:


  • admin:
    • ETHcc (Juan)
    • 5 CC days off
  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • fixed a bug in the wealth concentration code (Frederico)
    • ran again all simulations and analyze all results related to the wealth concentration (Frederico)
    • started developing the code to analyse the selfish behavior when choosing the fork rule (Frederico)
  • waku:general-incentives
    • analysed the current RLN incentivization proposal (Frederico)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • analysed and expanded the SNT token utility (Frederico)
    • continued rewriting the GMX/veSNT model with the newest constraints (Frederico)
    • discussed the current demands of the cats fishing project (Frederico & Juan)
    • Finalised analysis on CoWSwap (Juan)
  • codex:testnet-incentive
    • discussed the testnet incentives with the Codex team (Frederico & Juan)


  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k
    • Install and configure VictoriaMetrics
    • 3x 10k simulations
      • Still running into OOM issues
      • Got to 9000 nodes at one point accounted for
      • Still needs tuning
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale


  • waku:interop-testing-02
  • waku:test-automation-status-go-cli
    • implement community reuse and merge PR(@Florin)
  • vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p
    • created test plan for YAMUX(@Florin)
    • Got familiar with existing tests(@Roman)
    • Generated actual coverage report for Yamux(@Roman)
    • Test 2.0.6 compilation fixes(@Alex)
    • Finish Cleanup CI PR(@Alex)
  • waku:test-automation-rln
    • Meeting with Tanya to solve reproducibility issues(@Alex)
    • Ran simulations to debug Tanya’s found bugs(@Alex)
      • Found behaviour differs between computers.
      • Metrics bug
    • Ran simulations to try to isolate Tanya’s bug’s variables(@Alex)
  • admin/misc
    • review challenges and interview QA Candidates(@Florin)
    • start creating slides for QA presentation(@Florin)
    • OOO 1 CC Day


  • admin/misc
    • 3 CCs at ethcc
    • 1 CC ooo full week


  • admin/misc
    • 5 CC days ooo
  • codex::contracts-formal-verification
    • integrated changes from the Certora team
    • fixed foundry template PRs
  • status:staking-contracts-v1
    • cont’ reseach on MP estimation



  • admin/misc
    • @ ethcc


  • admin/misc
  • vac:dr:anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity
    • Continued work on Anonymized GossipSub Protocol (AGP) specification. Specifically, details of the custom mixnet protocol [WiP], and encode next hop and delays into beta.
    • Looked into the Sphinx implementation in Go.
    • Looked into the overall implementation and algorithm design choices.
  • gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-simulation
    • Looked into testground documentation and example test plans in more detail. Currently, issues with extended delays and occasional failure reports the test ground daemon.
  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
  • Examined proof of replication, and discussion whether this is relevant for software level.


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
  • zkvm:vac:vm-foundations
    • Work on the lits of ZkVMs:
      • Went through MPC materials [Rostyslav]
      • Reviewed scuttlebutt repo [Rostyslav]
      • Read about Power of Tau ceremony paper [Rostyslav]
      • Reviewed powersoftau repo [Rostyslav]
      • Reviewed all of the zkVM’s in the list [Oleksandr]
      • Provide Rostyslav with partial homomorphic resources. [Marvin][DR]
      • Add supplemental resources for primitives to Primitives Document. [Marvin][DR]