Vac 2024/08/05



  • admin:
    • 1 CC day off (Frederico)
    • Finalized first draft of strategy doc (Juan)
    • updated the TKE milestones (Status Network, Frederico)
  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • continued writing the reports of studies 1 and 2 of the wealth concentration (Frederico)
    • Reviewed and provided feedback to Frederico’s work here (Juan)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • modeled the location of fishes (Frederico)
    • assisting defining the incentive structures, revising new proposed XP system (Martin)
    • working towards a minimal economy formalization for cats fishing based on feedback from Ned (Martin)
    • Meeting with Ned, worked towards monetization document (Juan)
    • Finished work on NPV analysis for swap aggregator (Juan)
  • status:SNT-staking
    • identifying functional overlap with the need of the L2 incentive structure - again with the new XP proposal (Martin)
  • waku:general-incentives
    • preparing for the call next week, identifying discussion points and actionable items (Martin)
  • codex:cdx
    • cleaned up code (Juan)


  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:codex:testnet
    • Attempt to fix Codex Kubernetes access
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k
    • Test runs of 10K on latest Waku
    • Continued metrics instability around 10k
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale:
  • admin/misc
    • Prepare DST presentation for Waku team


  • waku:interop-testing-02
  • vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p
    • created test plan for PubSub(@Florin)
    • created test plan for FloodSub(@Florin)
    • CI Cleanup - PR(@Alex)
      • Update with windows fix, now tests pass (except interop, which is not yet merged, but currently not required)
      • Rollback ubuntu-24.04 on i386, errors out
      • Discovered another flaky - Logs
    • Fix windows issue - PR(@Alex)
      • Investigate thoroughly. Quite sure it’s a Nimble issue, later today I’ll post an issue on their github.
    • Begin checking interop issue(@Alex)
  • nomos:test-automation-data-availability
    • chore: DA kzgrs unit tests update(@Roman) PR 676 - in review - kzgrs-backend will undergo rewrite for the next 2 weeks
  • waku:test-automation-rln
    • Merge RLN PR(@Alex)






  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
    • Worked on large message handling blogpost. All comments are addressed; still WIP.
    • Looked into IHAVE/IWANT message processing, small messages and peer scoring function for libp2p specs meeting
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
  • Began notes on Spartan.
  • Read optimization of sumcheck for use in Spartan improvements.


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
    • Mainly worked on the blogpost [Moudy]
    • Worked on making keys and addresses concrete and riefly reviewed Aztec keys and addresses scheme. [Marvin][DR]
  • zkvm:vac:vm-foundations
    • Work on the lits of ZkVMs:
      • Continued going through primitives and looking for suitable repos. [Rostyslav]
      • Prepared testing for the base case for SP1 and RISC0. [Rostyslav]
      • Wrote simple arithmetic tests for Valida, zkMIPS, zkWASM. [Oleksandr]
    • Started working on blogpost. [Moudy]