Codex Monthly Report - August 2023


Milestone: Merkelizing block data

Milestone: Block discovery and retrieval

Milestone: Distributed Client Testing

  • Extensive work on log collection/analysis and monitoring
  • Testing and debugging Codex in continuous testing environment
  • Major effort to stabilize the Codex client through continuous automated testing

Milestone: Async Disc Access & Threading support

  • Tests on sharing thread data with refc
  • Addressed errorVariable and thread safety issues
  • Prototype proxy IO threadpool in progress


Milestone: L2

  • Taiko L2 integration mostly completed, waiting on related fixes

Milestone: Reservations and slot management

  • Extensive work on slot reservation and queuing

Milestone: Marketplace Sales

  • Cleanup and refactoring of state machine
  • Added support for loading node’s slots during Sale’s module start

Remote auditing

Milestone: Implement Poseidon2

  • First pass at an implementation by Balazs

Milestone: Refine proving system

  • Extensive thinking around storage proofs and proving systems

DAS (Data Availability Sampling)

Milestone: DHT simulations

  • Implementing a DHT in Python for the DAS simulator
  • Implemented logical error-rates and delays to interactions between DHT clients


Milestone: Kubernetes Configuration and Management

  • Moved Dist-Tests cluster to OVH and defined naming conventions
  • Configured Ingress Controller for Kibana/Grafana
  • Created documentation for Kubernetes management
  • Configured Dist/Continuous-Tests Pods logs shipping

Milestone: Continuous Testing and Labeling

  • Implemented and configured Dist-Tests labeling
  • Set up logs shipping based on labels
  • Improved Docker workflows and added ‘latest’ tag

Milestone: CI/CD and Synchronization

  • Set up synchronization by codex-storage
  • Configured Codex Storage and Demo CI/CD environments

Milestone: Monitoring and Metrics

  • Installed Node exporter and Prometheus in Dist-Tests cluster
  • Updated Grafana Dashboard
  • Implemented automated metrics scraping

Notable Achievements

  • Significant progress in Merkelizing block data, improving the foundation for the proving system
  • Advancements in block discovery and retrieval, including simulation work
  • Major improvements in distributed client testing and stability
  • Successful integration with Taiko L2, expanding the project’s capabilities
  • Continued development of DHT simulations for Data Availability Sampling

Challenges and Next Steps

  • Continue refining the Merkle tree implementation and integration
  • Further develop and optimize the block discovery and retrieval processes
  • Enhance the continuous testing environment for improved client stability
  • Complete the Taiko L2 integration and address any remaining issues
  • Advance the DHT simulations and DAS implementation
  • Continue improving infrastructure, monitoring, and CI/CD processes