Milestone - Store Service Upgrade

Milestone - Direct Message Reliability

Milestone - End-to-end reliability protocol

Milestone - Scale 1:1 chat messages PoC

Milestone - Scale up number of Communities

  • Usage of Rendezvous
    • achieved:
      • [research]: modified nim-libp2p to allow waku rdv strategy, updated nwaku PR to reflect libp2p changes
    • next:
      • [research]: PR feedback and update cycle, spec update

Other Work



BD: Demonstrate Product-Market Fit

  • achieved:
    • Defined customer interview questions
    • Had first rehearsal with a prospect where some of the questions were asked
    • Invited first 3 projects to interview
  • next:
    • Enroll more projects into the Interviews+Codesign initiative
    • Rework validation tracking board

BD: Acquire first 10 Customers

  • achieved:
    • New project using Waku in the payments vertical, referred by a prospect
  • next:
    • another prospect call this week
    • Prospecting in Singapore