Nomos Weekly Update - 2025-03-17 §
Nomos Bedrock §
Research §
- Cryptarchia research continuing:
- Continued work on Nomos Economic Model:
- Network protocol documentation:
Development §
Nomos Bedrock Services §
Research §
- NomosDA developments:
- ZODA research collection in Nomos DA v2 Research directory
- Continued research on alternative solutions for small data in ZODA and PoE with ZODA
- Service Declaration Protocol (formerly RDP):
- Blend Network progress:
- Staking Zone specification:
- Payment Zone first draft started
- Bedrock Mantle Specification completed with coordination between executors
Development §
- DA service improvements:
- Return and handle mempool errors PR
- Allow dispersing the same data multiple times PR
- User control for blob_id publication timing PR1 PR2
- Sampling edge cases handling PR
- DA network behaviour refactor PR1 PR2
- Stream optimization for DA replication PR
- Message caching improvements PR
- Block/unblock selected peers functionality PR1 PR2
- DA naming update for consistency PR
- Implementation of share request API for reconstruction PR1 PR2
- Simplify trait bounds for
- DA mempool recovery PR
Nomos Zones Ecosystem §
Research §
Development §
- README beautification
- Code quality improvements:
- CI checks for removing unused dependencies PR
- Overwatch compile-time checks PoC PR
Documentation §