Milestone - Store Service Upgrade

Milestone - Direct Message Reliability

Milestone - End-to-end reliability protocol

  • End-to-end reliability protocol - PoC
    • achieved:
      • [research] PR approved and addressed review comments. POC dogfooding in progress. Identified and fixed a certain deadlock issue with new node joining the network.
    • next:
      • [research] share dogfooding doc, start exploring status-go for API spec

Milestone - Static Sharding - dedicated shards

Milestone - Scale 1:1 chat messages PoC

Milestone - Scale up number of Communities

  • Usage of Rendezvous
    • achieved:
      • [research] namespace, wrapper update
    • next:
      • [research] waku rendezvous spec
    • blockers:
      • [research] libp2p rendezvous limit what can be done at waku layer

Other Work

