Codex Update Mar 16th - Mar 22nd

The Codex team wrapped up a successful demo at the Logos off-site and now aims to prepare the demo for the Q2 public testnet release potentially coinciding with EthCC.

An internal devnet has been running for the past few weeks and has been used to test the latest version of Codex and can be accessed using the Codex Testnet Starter documentation.

Development is currently broken into three distinct teams:

  1. Client, Testing, and Infrastructure
  2. Marketplace
  3. Research

The following are their team updates.

Client, Testing and Infrastructure

  • most members OOO


  • most members OOO


2024 R&D Goals
1. Proving system and aggregation improvements (folding or lookups)
2. Aggregator/validator design
3. DHT improvements
4. Tokenomics and incentive design
5. Bandwidth incentives
6. Dynamic data (appendable data)
7. Encryption
