Codex Update Mar 26th - Apr 1st

The Codex team continues to make progress with various initiatives to wrap up the demo for the Q1/Q2 public testnet release. An internal testnet has been running for the past few weeks and has been used to test the latest version of Codex and can be accessed using the Codex Testnet Starter documentation.

Ongoing and new lines of research and development will soon begin in preparation for the next version of Codex that will be used for the mainnet release.. Here are the updates from different team members and their ongoing work. Development is currently broken into three distinct teams:

  1. Client, Testing, and Infrastructure
  2. Marketplace
  3. Research

The different teams have actively moving on various fronts. The following are their team updates to various ongoing Epics.

Client, Testing and Infrastructure








  • None


Nim Tooling





  • Discussed with team plans to improve integration tests: what they should cover, parallelism, and whether or not some could be replaced with unit tests. Also discussed some open issues and PR comments.
  • Continued work on implementation of slot queue pausing. Most implementation in, need to add tests:
  • Worked on updating a macro for Optionalize to add the serialize pragma annotation on the type. Tried to get the macro to read existing serialize annotations on the type and fields first but was taking too long, so moved on
  • Discussions about release branches, proof circuit assets, and versioning
  • Discussed Optionalize() macro and serialize pragma
  • Discussed the parallelism of integration tests
  • Progress on Persistent Availabilities implementation


2024 R&D Goals
1. Proving system and aggregation improvements (folding or lookups)
2. Aggregator/validator design
3. DHT improvements
4. Tokenomics and incentive design
5. Bandwidth incentives
6. Dynamic data (appendable data)
7. Encryption


  • None


  • Trying to understand what can be salvaged from my binary circuit idea (by implementing and measuring stuff)
  • Working on the Plonk notes