Milestone - Store Service Upgrade

Milestone - Direct Message Reliability

Milestone - End-to-end reliability protocol

  • End-to-end reliability protocol - PoC
    • achieved:
      • [research] started exploring POC in go-waku as an example application
      • [research] researched Vac’s de-MLS protocol for possible integration
    • next:
      • [research] continue with the POC starting with a minimal working version first
    • blockers:

Milestone - Static Sharding - dedicated shards

Milestone - Scale 1:1 chat messages PoC

Other Work


  • achieved:
    • [nwaku] deployment of release v0.30.1, which adds RLNv2
    • [js-waku] prepare for next release
  • next:
    • [js-waku] release last reliability improvements
